Friday, 31 December 2010

Learn to lose, it's easier that way

I've been really poor at keeping this up to date but it's been due to being so very, very tired. That's a positive though because it's been down to the number of visitors I've had in recently. It's the sort of hard work that I am always pleased to take part in. Having people round actually perks me up a massive amount but it lasts only up till the visitors go and then the effort of entertaining catches up rapidly.

So what's been going on then? Well everything is kind of on pause at the moment really and nothing much has changed in my condition. When I compare it with this time last year though it's amazing. Last Christmas I was a whole 12kg lighter than I am now so in many ways I am much stronger and am finding it much easier to cope with the odd chest infections I get which is a real positive. On the other side of things though I am actually physically weaker because the weight gain has all been fat based and with the loss of muscle all over I just don't have a great deal of strength. So I've restricted myself mostly to my own little room and just getting by with books and films and computer games.

I've also just had my 33rd birthday and I suppose I can admit now that there have been moments when I wasn't sure that would come around. My best friends have been joking incessantly about my making it to the same age as Jesus to which I responded that just like the man himself I moved about for a few years before ending up living at home with my mammy. Now for the miracles eh?

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