Sunday, 6 February 2011

Here we go Steelers, here we go...

It's a long day of sports watching for me. At noon today it was the Glasgow derby with Celtic visiting Ibrox in the Scottish Cup.I watched it with my Rangers supporting nephew Daniel, which was an exercise in being patient. Not because he supports Rangers but because he does it with such enthusiasm and with a barrage of questions. For a boy who is just shy of 6 his understanding of football really is tremendous even if it is mostly about 'them'. A draw kept us both kind of happy - it was a great game as far as these things go so we each had our moments of gently poking fun at the other.

I'll probably go for a nap early this evening in preparation for staying up into the wee small hours for the Superbowl. I do this every year regardless of which teams have made it to the big show but tonight my team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, have made it there again so I absolutely have to stay up.

I first got into American football about 25 years ago when it first came on Channel 4. When we were on holiday that year my mother saw a shop that was selling American Football merchandise. I picked out the Steelers jumper as the one I wanted and that was me stuck with them. That arbitrary decision hasn't worked out bad though as I managed to pick the most successful team in NFL history. Here's a pic of me wearing said jumper with my siblings (plus Alicia's best friend Mags Mac in the pink jumper) at what appears to be Janine's birthday. I am told I was very cute indeed.

I got a DVD set at Christmas chronicling the stories of the 6 previous Superbowls they've won as well as a book on the team's history.

So I'll be up for most of the night tonight and then have to go to my monthly trip to the Beatson for my appointment with the haematologists/oncologists. It's not that far away from my normal sleep patterns anyway as I often find myself just sleeping for four hours or so and then sleeping a little bit in the afternoon so I'll do the same tomorrow. In fact I'm getting my usual infusion of immunoglobulins while I'm there and that takes a few hours so I can probably get a sleep while I'm in there.

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